Affiliate Program

Earn up to
$30,000 a month!

Get $50 at sign up
Average partner’s income+$1.5K
Commission for all products:30%

How it works

1Share your link
2Customers buy products
3You get paid!

What can you promote?

Animated Packages for After Effects, Premiere Pro, Final Cut, DaVinci, and other video editors. Courses and Workshops for After Effects, Cinema 4D. Scripts for After Effects. Great for motion designers, video editors and video creators.
I Want It All Bundle LifetimeOur best selling bundle with over 70 packages. Includes anything from transitions, overlays, elements to constructors, LUTs, and advanced presets.
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I Want It All Bundle Lifetime
Film VFX BundleA complete set of visual effects to make your videos stand out. Includes clouds, magic, space effects, lightning, and more. Easy to use and perfect for adding a professional touch to your projects.
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Film VFX Bundle
Triune Digital VFX BundleA powerful collection of effects like dust, sparks, energy bursts, shockwaves, and smoke. Ideal for creating high-quality visuals and making your videos look impressive.
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Triune Digital VFX Bundle

How much can I make?

Your commissions:
$50,000 / mo
Your audience:500,000
Your audience:500,000
Estimated average earnings per month, not a guarantee

We are a good fit if

You have an audience
of more than 1000 people
You want to have an
additional passive income

Why us?

30%Your commission
$120Average order
$100Minimum payout
Monthly payouts
30%Your commission
$120Average order
$100Minimum payout
Monthly payouts
Personal ManagerReach out anytime for personalized assistance
Free ProductsPartners with audiences of more than 1000 people can get products to review for free
Email NewsletterWeekly newsletter sharing best practices promoting our products

We have already paid our affiliates


Who is your audience?

You're a perfect fit if your audience is one of the following
Motion designersMost of our products are created for motion designers by motion designers.
Film makersFilm textures, letterboxes, light leaks, transitions, we have it all.
Video editorsOverlays, slideshows, videos libraries, and more...
VloggersThere is enough content for any channel.

We make products for the most video editors

EDIUSAfter EffectsPremiere ProSony VegasDavinci ResolveFinal CutPremiere RushNukeOpen Broadcaster SoftwarePinnacle StudioXSplitCinema 4DCapCut
See all products
Affiliate Program

Join 1000+

Premiere Gal, Avnish Parker, Ben Marriott and more...

They are already earning with us

Income$50,391 / year
Kelsey from Premiere GalMotion Designer

Premiere Gal made $50,391. Wait, what?

Premiere Gal participated in our Black Friday campaign and promoted our main deal I Want It All Bundle Lifetime by showcasing a few best sellers and creative ways to use them. Kelsey's main promotion channel is YouTube. However, she also uses her website to collect emails...

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Income$32,104 / year
Caleb LancasterMotion Designer

$143,160 hourly rate?

You’ve probably heard the Pareto Principle, the 80/20 rule that says 20% of your work gives 80% of your results…

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Income$21,442 / year
VinhSon from Creative DojoMotion Designer

Honesty and giveaways bring

VinhSon is brutally honest and reviews all pros and cons of the software. If something does not work or works poor...

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Affiliate Program

Affiliate Sign Up

Referral ID will be used to create your affiliate URL:
PayPal email where you'll receive payouts each month
URL to your website or page or any other online platform you'll use to promote
Monthly website visitors or email newsletter subscribers or YouTube subscribers, etc.
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