How to Create a Countdown in After Effects

Crafting Dynamic Countdowns in Adobe After Effects

Mastering Countdown Creation in After Effects

Countdown timers are widely used in videos to build excitement and captivate viewers. If you want to enhance your videos with a professional countdown, Adobe After Effects is the go-to tool. This guide will walk you through every step of creating a visually stunning countdown timer. 

Step 1: Create a new composition, adjusting settings such as color, resolution, frame rate (set to 30), and duration (1 minute).

Step 2: Utilize the Horizontal Type Tool to generate a text layer with the content “0.” Customize the text in the Character and Align panels.

Step 3: Locate the Slider Control effect in the Effects & Presets panel and apply it to your text layer.

Step 4: Expand the properties of the text layer, then in the Text > Source Text section, select this property and apply the expression to it through the Animation > Add Expression panel. Enter the provided expression: slider = Math.round(effect(“Slider Control”)(“Slider”)); sec = slider%60; min = Math.floor(slider/60); function addZero(n){ if (n<10) return “0” + n; else return n; } addZero(min) + “:” + addZero(sec);

Step 5: If you encounter an error while entering the expression, navigate to File > Project Settings and choose “Legacy ExtendScript” for the Expressions Engine setting.

Step 6: Once the expression is applied to the text layer, create a keyframe for the Slider property with a value of 60 (1 minute, or 120 for 2 minutes, etc.), positioning the Current Time Indicator at the beginning of the composition. Move the Current Time Indicator to the end of the composition and create a second keyframe with a value of 0.

Step 7: Preview the result to enjoy the countdown timer you’ve created.


With these detailed steps and insights, you can master the art of creating captivating countdown timers in After Effects. Elevate the visual appeal and engagement of your videos by incorporating dynamic countdowns that leave a lasting impression on your viewers. Dive into the world of motion graphics and countdown magic to enhance your video projects with professional and visually engaging timers.

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