How to Create a Text Drawing Animation in After Effects
Introduction – Animate Text for a Dynamic Hand-drawn Look
Animating text to look as if it is being drawn in real-time is a great way to add dynamic motion to your projects. In this tutorial, we will walk you through how to create a text drawing effect in After Effects. Follow the steps below to animate your text creatively.
Step 1: Create a New Composition
Start by going to Composition > New Composition to create a new composition for your project. Choose your desired resolution and duration settings to match the specifications of your project.
Step 2: Use the Text Tool
Select the Text Tool (Ctrl/Cmd + T) from the toolbar and click on the composition to type your text. You can adjust the font, size, and other text properties in the Properties panel to customize your look.
Step 3: Create Masks for Each Letter
Select the Pen Tool (G) and, with the text layer selected, manually create masks around each letter of your text. This process helps isolate the text into individual components, which you’ll animate later. The masks should closely follow the outline of the letters.Step 4: Apply the Stroke Effect
Next, go to the Effects & Presets panel and search for the Stroke effect. Drag and drop this effect onto your text layer. This will help create the “drawing” effect on your text.
Step 5: Adjust Stroke Settings
In the Effect Controls panel, adjust the following settings for the Stroke effect:
Enable All Masks: Check this option to apply the effect to all the created masks.
Brush Size: Set this to 64 for a moderate stroke width.
Brush Hardness: Adjust this to 79 to create a sharper edge for the stroke.
Paint Style: Set this to Reveal Original Image, which will animate the text as if it’s being drawn.Step 6: Animate the Stroke with Keyframes
Click on the stopwatch next to the End parameter in the Effect Controls panel to create a keyframe at the beginning of the composition. Set the value of End to 0%. Move the CTI (Current Time Indicator) forward a few seconds and set the End value to 100%. This will make it appear as though the text is being drawn progressively from start to finish.
Step 7: Preview the Animation
Click the Preview button to watch your animation and make sure everything looks smooth. You can adjust the timing of the keyframes or tweak the stroke settings as necessary.
Step 8: Render Your Composition
Once you’re satisfied with the animation, go to Composition > Add to Render Queue. Set your output settings and hit Render to export your animated text drawing.
By following these steps, you can easily create a hand-drawn text effect in After Effects, adding a creative and dynamic touch to your projects.