How to type right to left text in After Effects (Arabic, Hebrew, Persian, Urdu)?

After Effects does not support the right-to-left text out of the box. There are a few ways to type in right-to-left language in After Effects.  n Make sure to use a right-to-left language font if you do not see a text. n AEJuice tries to automatically detect the right-to-left languages and mirror them if needed.  n Here is how it understands if the text must be mirrored:

  1. Your text is in right-to-left language.
  2. Your After Effects either does not support right-to-left language or the text engine is set to Latin.
  3. An AEJuice setting “Adjust right-to-left languages automatically” is on.

If you don’t want AEJuice to automatically adjust the text, press Account – Settings and turn off “Adjust right-to-left languages automatically”.

It’s important to understand that AEJuice cannot control each action in After Effects. If you open a composition manually and change a text, the AEJuice cannot detect it. You would need to use one of AEJuice’s tools, for example, rather than manually editing the composition, use an Edit button in the Pack Manager or use the Text Animation Presets pack.

1. Use AEJuice the “Edit” panel


Enter your text n

AEJuice software will automatically recognize the right to left language and make adjustments on the fly to paste it correctly in After Effects. If for some reason it doesn’t work for your language, please contact our support and send us your language and text example.

2. Turn on South Asian and Middle Eastern settings

==IMPORTANT!== This setting has been removed since December 2021 release and was replaced with Universal Text Engine which should automatically recognize and adjust the text.

P.S. I’ve tested it in CC22.6 and it did not work for me.

This option is available in newer After Effects starting from CC 2017 (14.2.2).

Go to Edit – Preferences – Type n

Turn on South Asian and Middle Eastern setting n

Restart After Effects.

If you had any text in the project go to Window – Paragraph n

Select a text and right-click on the 3 lines – Reset Paragraph n

3. Use online service

If you have an older After Effects you can use an online service to convert the text for use in After Effects. or

Type your text and copy it to the clipboard. n

Then paste it into After Effects

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