Slides for After Effects

We have 3 Slides products: Slides – Vintage Collection, Slides – Wedding Collection, and Slides – Beginner Collection. This article explains how to create slides using automatic creator.

1. Open slideshow creator

Open any slideshow package and press the “Create” button. n

2. Select a resolution

Choose one or multiple of the available resolution (1920×1080, 1080×1920, 1080×1080). Click Continue. n

3. Select a style

Choose your slideshow’s name and style. Each preview represents a category. If you select 1 preview, all animations from this category will be mixed. You can select multiple categories by holding a control button and clicking. Press Continue. n

4. Select music

You can choose music if you have one at this step. The plugin will analyze your music and recommend the best number of photos to use at the next step.

__Supported audio formats__

  • Advanced Audio Coding (AAC, M4A)
  • Audio Interchange File Format (AIF, AIFF)
  • MP3 (MP3, MPEG, MPG, MPA, MPE)
  • Video for Windows (AVI, WAV; requires QuickTime on Mac OS)
  • Waveform (WAV) n

You can also choose to continue without music. You’ll be prompted to select a slide’s duration. By default, it’s 2 seconds. n

5. Select photos

You can select a folder with photos or select photos manually. In case you had music you’ll see a number of photos that are recommended for this particular song and selecting a folder will automatically get only the best number of photos. If you select images manually, stick to the image limit (which the plugin will suggest) for that music. In case you skipped the music, select a folder button that will get all photos available.

Pro tip: you can create a composition and manually set the order of photos/videos by moving them on the timeline. Choose “Get from the composition” to grab footage from the selected composition in the project panel. This option has been added in November 2022. Update if you don’t see it.


The number of photos for the slideshow is limited to 1000.

The plugin uses a natural sorting order (in alphabetical or ascending order (for numbers)). If you’d like your pictures to be in a specific order, name them, for example, 1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg, etc.

If you select a folder, the plugin will select the optimal number of photos to create a slideshow. (If the music was pre-selected). n

Supported photos, videos, and animations formats

  • Animated GIF (GIF)
  • DV (in MOV or AVI container, or as containerless DV stream)
  • ElectricImage (IMG, EI)
  • Filmstrip (FLM)
  • Flash (SWF; rasterized) n Note: The alpha channel is imported with SWF files but interactive content is not.
  • MPEG formats (MPEG, MPE, MPG, M2V, MPA, MP2, M2A, MPV, M2P, M2T, VOB, MOD, AC3, MP4, M4V, M4A)
  • Open Media Framework (OMF; raw media [or essence] only; Windows only)
  • QuickTime (MOV; 16 bpc, requires QuickTime)
  • Adobe Photoshop with video layer (PSD; requires QuickTime)
  • Video for Windows (AVI, WAV; requires QuickTime on Mac OS) n Note: You can import 10-bpc uncompressed YUV AVI files created in Adobe Premiere Pro into 16-bpc RGB After Effects projects. You can also render with 10-bpc YUV compression. (See Specify Video for Windows compression options.)
  • Windows Media File (WMV, WMA, ASF; Windows only)Still-image formats==
  • Adobe Illustrator (AI, AI4, AI5, EPS, PS; continuously rasterized)
  • Adobe PDF (PDF; first page only; continuously rasterized)
  • Adobe Photoshop (PSD)
  • Bitmap (BMP, RLE, DIB)
  • Camera raw (TIF, CRW, NEF, RAF, ORF, MRW, DCR, MOS, RAW, PEF, SRF, DNG, X3F, CR2, ERF; 16 bpc)
  • Cineon (CIN, DPX; converts to projects color bit depth: 8, 16, or 32 bpc)
  • Discreet RLA/RPF (RLA, RPF; 16 bpc, imports camera data)
  • EPS
  • Maya camera data (MA)
  • Maya IFF (IFF, TDI; 16 bpc)
  • OpenEXR (EXR; 32 bpc)
  • PBM (8, 16, and 32 bpc)
  • PCX
  • PICT (PCT)
  • Pixar (PXR)
  • Portable Network Graphics (PNG; 16 bpc)
  • Radiance (HDR, RGBE, XYZE; 32 bpc)
  • SGI (SGI, BW, RGB; 16 bpc)
  • Softimage (PIC)
  • Targa (TGA, VDA, ICB, VST)
  • TIFF (TIF)

6. Create a slideshow

Press the Create button. It might take a few minutes to create and the After Effects interface might freeze. Once the slideshow is created you’ll see the success window. n

7. How to duplicate a slideshow?

There are situations where you might need to duplicate a slideshow to create a custom resolution or replace some photos. Select a slideshow composition and use our duplicate button. n

8. Have trouble with this package?

Try Basic Troubleshooting

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