TOP 101 Videohive Growthhacks

Hi, my name is Jacob. I’m a CEO here, at AEJuice. Long-time ago I started writing a book “TOP 101 Videohive Growthhacks”. I became busy building a company. However, now I think it might be good time to share some insights. I will update an article if there will be a demand. So please comment, share if you’d like to learn more.

Here is my portfolio, it earned $150+k over a few years I was active there. This article is more for beginners and intermediate authors.

1. Marketplaces, Exclusive vs. Nonexclusive. [Type of projects – best marketplace from the dollar perspective, exlusivity].

After Effects Projects – Videohive, exclusive.

Video Footages – Shutterstock, nonexclusive,

After Effects Packs – AEJuice, nonexclusive (if you have a pack that made $10+k in the last 6 month and would like to grow your sales, contact us).

Attention! You can switch exclusivity for Videohive 1 timemonth and you have to do it 1 month in advance.


Can I have 2 or more accounts on Videohive? – Yes.

Can I sell my footages from After Effects projects separately? – Yes.

Action to take: Pick up a marketplace and exclusivity.

2. Brand name.

Choose the nickname carefully, it’ll be your brand name for years.

Pick a name that is short, easy to pronounce and easy to remember.

Ideally, you want to secure domain and social media accounts with this name.

You’ll speak to your customers to support them more often than you think.

You will be able to change the name later, but the previous name will always be displayed on the page.

Action to take: choose your brand name.

P.S. I chose poor nickname (Yashkovskiy)  the first time. Later, we switched to AEJuice.

3. Security.

Protect your email connected to your Envato account (enable double authentification on Envato and Gmail).

Make strong unique passwords for both email and Envato accounts.

Attention! Otherwise, you can be hacked and all your projects could be deleted and money spent. DO IT NOW!

I saw it happened to a few of my friends.

Action to take: enable double authentification now.

4. After Effects version.

Work in whichever version is more comfortable for you.

I resave all project to CS5.5.

However, recently Adobe declared all version beneath CC18 illegal.

So the furthest you can resave now is CC17 (File-Save as-Save for lower version, then open a project in lower version and resave again an so on. For example, to resave from CS19 to CS17 you have to have CS18 installed).

There are still people left (~2-4%) using CS6 and older version.

It makes sense to resave your best-seller to the lowest possible version to grow sales by ~2-4%.

5. FPS. Choose 29,97 fps, it’s the most popular on Videohive.

6. Be Yourself!

Do what you do the best, don’t make slideshows only because somebody sold a lot of them.

Don’t copy (project will be deleted, it happened to me once).

I made a mistake trying to copycat bestsellers a couple of times, the sales were very low.

Eventually just made a project for myself in my usual style, uploaded it and it started selling.

Then I continued to do projects in that style and it turned out good.

Action to take: find your style.

Let me know in the comments if this is helpful and you’d like me to continue.




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