Find anything in your project: fonts, layers, comps, items, expressions. Customize the scope: project, selected comps, active comp, selected layers or properties, text inside text layers. The search in nested compositions is available as well.
There are multiple ways to match an item: exact match (case sensitive), wildcard, or containing the searched term.
Wildcards are flexible. You can replace the symbol or all parts of the name with special characters. Let’s say you need to find all layers like Text 01, Text 02, Text 03, …, Text 100.
Select wildcard search type and type Text *
The * in this case matches anything than follows after Text.
For another example let’s say you need to find only single digits items from the same sequence above.
Type Text 0?
The ? in this case matches any single character.
The first match checkbox helps stop the search when the first result is found.
By default, the search looks everywhere, change the type if you know what you’re looking for to speed up the result.
The search is fast and handles projects of any complexity. We use it internally at AEJuice and decided to make it available to the public.