
Single Arrow - Up
Double Arrow - Center Left and Right
Double Arrow - Center Up and Down
Double Arrow - Left
Blinds Arrow - Down
Double Arrow - Up and Down
Single Arrow - Down
Single Arrow - Left
Single Arrow - Right
Double Arrow - Right
Double Arrow - Up
Double Arrow - Left and Right
Blinds Arrow - Right
Double Arrow - Down
Blinds Arrow - Up
Single Arrow - Left and Right
Single Arrow - Up and Down
Blinds Arrow - Left


Blinds Line Quadro - Center D
Blinds Line Quadro - Center A
Blinds Line Multi - Center E
Blinds Line Triple - Center C
Blinds Line Multi - Up
Blinds Line Quadro - Right 02
Blinds Line Quadro - Left 01
Blinds Line Double - Center C
Blinds Line Triple - Center D
Blinds Line Multi - Center F
Blinds Line Double - Left
Blinds Line Quadro - Down 01
Blinds Line Triple - Center B
Blinds Line Double - Down
Blinds Line Quadro - Center B
Blinds Line Quadro - Center C
Blinds Line Multi - Down
Blinds Line Quadro - Up 02
Blinds Line Quadro - Right 01
Blinds Line Multi - Left
Blinds Line Double - Up
Blinds Line Multi - Center D
Blinds Line Multi - Center C
Blinds Line Quadro - Up 01
Blinds Line Triple - Up
Blinds Line Double - Center B
Blinds Line Double - Center D
Blinds Line Multi - Center B
Blinds Line Triple - Center A
Blinds Line Triple - Down
Blinds Line Multi - Right
Blinds Line Double - Right
Blinds Line Double - Center A
Blinds Line Triple - Right
Blinds Line Quadro - Down 02
Blinds Line Quadro - Left 02
Blinds Line Triple - Left
Blinds Line Multi - Center A


Circle - Right
Circle - IN
Circle - OUT
Circle - Left
Circle - Up
Circle - Left and Right
Circle - Down
Circle - Up and Down


Clock - 06
Clock - 10
Clock - 11
Clock - 05
Clock - 12
Clock - 01
Clock - 02
Clock - 03
Clock - 04
Clock - 09
Clock - 07
Clock - 08


Edges Triple Round - Right Down
Edges Triple Round - Right Up
Edges Triple Round - Left Down
Edges Quadro Linear - Right Up
Edges Quadro Round - Left Up
Edges Quadro Linear - Right Down
Edges Triple Linear - Left Up
Edges Quadro Round - Right Down
Edges Triple Linear - Right Down
Edges Triple Round - Left Up
Edges Quadro Linear - Left Up
Edges Quadro Round - Left Down
Edges Quadro Linear - Left Down
Edges Quadro Round - Right Up
Edges Triple Linear - Left Down
Edges Triple Linear - Right Up


Round Line - Left
Single Line - Down
Round Line - Up
Curtain Line - Up 01
Single Line - Left
Curtain Line - Up 02
Curtain Line - Left and Right
Single Line - Center Left and Right
Double Line - Down
Round Line - Left Down
Round Line - Right
Double Line - Up
Curtain Line - Right 01
Round Line - Right Down
Double Line - Left and Right
Curtain Line - Left 02
Curtain Line - Down 01
Round Line - Down
Round Line - Right Up
Double Line - Up and Down
Round Line - Left Up
Single Line - Right
Double Line - Right
Curtain Line - Right 02
Double Line - Left
Curtain Line - Up and Down
Single Line - Center Up and Down
Single Line - Up
Curtain Line - Left 01
Curtain Line - Down 02


Patterns Circles - Center D
Patterns Circles - Center C
Patterns Hexagon - Center B
Patterns Circles - Right
Patterns Rhomb - Center C
Patterns Squares - Center C
Patterns Rhomb - Center B
Patterns Circles - Center A
Patterns Squares - Down
Patterns Squares - Center A
Patterns Rhomb - Center D
Patterns Hexagon - Up
Patterns Circles - Left
Patterns Hexagon - Right
Patterns Squares - Right
Patterns Squares - Center B
Patterns Hexagon - Center A
Patterns Hexagon - Left
Patterns Hexagon - Center D
Patterns Squares - Left
Patterns Hexagon - Center C
Patterns Squares - Up
Patterns Circles - Down
Patterns Rhomb - Right
Patterns Rhomb - Down
Patterns Squares - Center D
Patterns Circles - Up
Patterns Rhomb - Center A
Patterns Rhomb - Left
Patterns Rhomb - Up
Patterns Circles - Center B
Patterns Hexagon - Down


Shape Transition - 08
Shape Transition - 39
Shape Transition - 07
Shape Transition - 09
Shape Transition - 52
Shape Transition - 49
Shape Transition - 38
Shape Transition - 05
Shape Transition - 12
Shape Transition - 06
Shape Transition - 48
Shape Transition - 55
Shape Transition - 24
Shape Transition - 03
Shape Transition - 42
Shape Transition - 27
Shape Transition - 17
Shape Transition - 16
Shape Transition - 32
Shape Transition - 40
Shape Transition - 23
Shape Transition - 22
Shape Transition - 35
Shape Transition - 30
Shape Transition - 56
Shape Transition - 25
Shape Transition - 36
Shape Transition - 13
Shape Transition - 28
Shape Transition - 33
Shape Transition - 43
Shape Transition - 15
Shape Transition - 31
Shape Transition - 01
Shape Transition - 29
Shape Transition - 41
Shape Transition - 46
Shape Transition - 34
Shape Transition - 44
Shape Transition - 21
Shape Transition - 45
Shape Transition - 18
Shape Transition - 14
Shape Transition - 04
Shape Transition - 47
Shape Transition - 54
Shape Transition - 02
Shape Transition - 37
Shape Transition - 50
Shape Transition - 26
Shape Transition - 53
Shape Transition - 10
Shape Transition - 51
Shape Transition - 11
Shape Transition - 19
Shape Transition - 20